How important are ‘Listed Buildings’? Do they preserve history, or impede progress?


I like to believe that wherever possible history should be preserved, and everyone should play their part. That is why we bought a “listed house” in Germany.!/pages/Andreasberg-Dorfstr-21-59909-Germany/1416997841906469

However after a series of intrigues of which the common denominator was our house, we did some research and found that at least 250 people in our area did not want the house preserved for the future. In fact they had signed a petition to have the house demolished as to them it was a “Schandfleck”, and gave “shame” to their community, this despite the fact that their own parents, grandparents and forefathers probalbly had lived in similiar houses.

The house just didn’t fit in to the town that had progressed in the interim.

Now had we known that so many people and the Municipality was against the house we would not have bought, but it was a secret buried deep, though as we found out not forgotten.

The price may have been a clue, though many listed buildings are underpriced because few in this day and age want the custodianship, committment and costs that go with these pieces of history.

MItchell’s Kildysart Co. Clare, Ireland


Fortune has forced me to enter Mitchell’s Inn in Kildysart. The Guinness is terribly good, the world is conspiring to keep me here. The company is good, the atmosphere is seldom seen nor experienced in this day and age

Did I mention that they have a Wifi connection? 

Anyways, I’ll keep this blog brief…..



In the world of Blog, there is nothing better than to sit in the sun, relax, and type away… Not that I am an expert, in fact I just made the previous sentence up, because it felt right. I went on linkedin and found that many people like to live in the past, not just me…

and then the sun went away…. did I influence the sun with my sudden negativity… I would like to think not

The sun was out and then it went away…


In the world of Blog, there is nothing better than to sit in the sun, relax, and type away… Not that I am an expert, in fact I just made the previous sentence up, because it felt right. I went on linkedin and found that many people like to live in the past, not just me…

and then the sun went away…. did I influence the sun with my sudden negativity… I would like to think not

SEO Quick Tips: Four Ways to Improve Your Results Today


1st attempted reblog… News

Did you know that is extremely SEO friendly right out of the box?

If you blog here at, you’re already ensuring great search engine results, without even having to try!

But if your search rank still isn’t where you want it to be, here are four quick steps you can take today to start improving it.

Post something!

Writers block Photo by Vince Kusters

“Wait,” you say. “I thought you said these were going to be quick, easy tips! Posting is The Hardest Thing Evah!”

I feel you. Writer’s block is real, but an active posting schedule of useful content is rule number one in traffic building.

Posts don’t have to be a ten-paragraph original academic essay to be worthwhile, though! Here are some ideas if the blank page (well, post editor) is getting you down:

  • Post a photo you’ve recently snapped, with a few lines about where it was…

View original post 661 more words

This is my second post


I am writing this as part of an Ennis Chamber training course on Digital Marketing, Ennis Chamber are helping me to create my first hyper-link,

As I am writing, I am editing…. (time has passed since posting)

We are to insert a Youtube video, (no pressure, pick a vid, post a vid!)

When I get close to some bricks, I may give this a go, (and I do have bricks….